Analysis of DART Project
DART project aims to offer "something more" to Diabetes' type I and II patients following the mobile technology waves for 2022: an Augmented Reality Personal trainer that will be present daily in their lives, anywhere and anytime, in their home, office, school through an innovative Android and Ios Mobile App in 7 language versions that will use augmented reality technology and geofence technology.
The app will be divided into two separate sections: concerning TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 diabetes.
Every section of the app will include the same features, but will focus on the TYPE of diabetes selected by the user.
Daily customized medical calendar where the user will be able to include his measurements, medicines, doctor appointments etc.). It will also include an Insulin Dose sound reminder.
PART 2: GROW THE "TREE OF LIFE": Daily workout programs using an Augmented reality
A Personal trainer (hologram), will appear through Augmented reality technology in the user's room, office, school etc. and will show him how to perform his daily program of physical exercises that are recommended for his health condition.
The hologram will also give voice instructions and explanations on the nature of the physical exercises and the way these exercises can reduce blood pressure, lower the levels of fats in the blood, keep the heart healthy and help to improve blood sugar levels and prevent excess weight gain. For every exercise, we will include a special section for the Precautions that must
be taken before, during and after exercise.
The workout program will be presented as a challenging, eco-friendly game:
The user of the app will digitally grow the "Tree of Life" by following a 30 days physical exercises program. Every day, after completing a set of exercises proposed by the Augmented reality trainer, the user will add a branch to his digital "Tree of life" symbolizing his daily progress.
The daily program will include 5 physical exercises X 30 days (max 30 min of exercise daily). We will design around 50 exercises in total but some of which will be repeated during this 30days' workout program. The level of difficulty and the complexity will increase day per day. There will be no need of special athletic equipment, since the augmented reality trainer will propose alternative ways to workout using everyday objects eg. chairs, water bottles, soup cans etc.
VIDEOS: Additionally, for every new exercise added, the user will also have the opportunity to see videos of real people- volunteers (children and adults, diabetic patients or people from the general population) performing these specific exercises, aiming to show that we are all together in this, and no one can be excluded from the wonderful world of physical exercise!
After the successful completion of the 30days program, the digital "Tree of Life" will be completed and the user will be able to proceed to part 3 of the application. Of course, the user will be able to repeat the workout program as many times as he/she wishes.
The user will also be able to share his progress to our partnership and for every digital "Tree of Life" that is completed, the partnership will grow a real tree in nature contributing to the "save the Earth" efforts.
The third part of the application will motivate the user start physical activity outdoors. The application will offer maps to the user through geofence technology targeting to Parks that are near his location, where he will be able to perform long walks. The user will be also able to pin a Park he suggests in his area and all the other users will be able to see his suggestion.
The application will count his steps and evaluate his daily performance.
We will develop an E-platform based on Moodle for providing physical education teachers with valuable knowledge related to the needs of their diabetic athletes.
Our E-Platform will include two parts:
A) PROMOTIONAL WEBSITE in 7 language versions: Analytical information concerning our
project's aims and objectives, project's activities and outputs, target groups, the partnership, useful links etc.
B) MOODLE e-PLATFORM with open access to everybody including:
1) 30 e-Modules for physical education teachers and coaches:
- aiming to provide skills to physical education teachers and coaches to be able to handle any emergency medical situation of their diabetic athletes and
- educating how they can provide encouragement and support to their diabetic athletes in order to continue their efforts.
The modules will include among others:
a) Scientific information concerning the health benefits related to specific physical exercises;
b) Strategies to psychologically support youth and adults that suffer from diabetes type I and II in order to encourage them get involved in physical education classes.
c) Studies, opinions, latest findings concerning diabetes and physical activity, interviews with health professionals and success stories of diabetic patients.
PARENTS SECTION: A special section of the E -platform will be devoted to raise awareness concerning the importance of physical exercise for people with diabetes type I and II. Our goal is to convince parents and families of persons suffering from diabetes type I and II that physical activity is health enhancing, therefore they must support their relatives to get involved in physical exercise or sports.
PODCAST series: This is another innovation of our project. We will include a series of 15 podcasts including interesting discussions with experts in the fields of diabetes and physical activity or success stories of diabetic patients.
Design and development of questionnaires in 7 language versions for the Materials Evaluation forms that will be distributed to the participants after the end of pilot application period.
Evidence collected, should be considered as a whole to score the indicator on a five- point scale, where Level 1 is associated with the lowest level of concern and Level 5 with the highest.
Collection of the results gathered from our Digital Intellectual outputs: Mobile App software and E-Platform as well as from the Multiplier and live streaming events.
DART will develop six reports from all participating countries including the results from the pilot application of DART outputs to our target groups.
The reports will contain the evaluation results from the pilot application of our Digital Intellectual products:
a) Mobile app (Workout programs for diabetic patients type I and II)
From the number of the digital "trees of life" that will be completed, we will receive information about how many people have completed the workout program, how many have dropped it and at which stage, the type of diabetes they suffer from, age, gender.
b) E-Platform statistics
-Results from the statistical analysis of the E-platform (number of users that signed in the modules, number of visits etc.)
- Collection of evaluation data gathered from people that will participate to online events.
c) the results from the Materials evaluation form that will be distributed to diabetic athletes, parents and teachers/ coaches after the Multiplier events.
-Analysis of the results gathered according to Indicators mentioned in section Methodology.
Development of 6 Reports (EN language), one for each participating country.
FINAL REPORT and Statistical analysis
The FINAL REPORT will include the analysis of the results received from the Reports of all participating institutions according to the indicators analysed in the Methodology section.
- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: DART will also include Statistical analysis of the results useful for further investigation in the field and RECOMMENTATIONS for the inclusion of disadvantaged groups that are useful for sport policy makers.
FORM: Printed papers
IMPACT/TRANSFERABILITY: The reports developed by the results of our project will be very
useful for the analysis of inclusion strategies for disadvantaged groups and might help sports
policy makers around Europe gather valuable data for their studies.
DART project aims to offer "something more" to Diabetes' type I and II patients following the mobile technology waves for 2022: an Augmented Reality Personal trainer that will be present daily in their lives, anywhere and anytime, in their home, office, school through an innovative Android and Ios Mobile App in 7 language versions that will use augmented reality technology and geofence technology.
The app will be divided into two separate sections: concerning TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 diabetes.
Every section of the app will include the same features, but will focus on the TYPE of diabetes selected by the user.
Daily customized medical calendar where the user will be able to include his measurements, medicines, doctor appointments etc.). It will also include an Insulin Dose sound reminder.
PART 2: GROW THE "TREE OF LIFE": Daily workout programs using an Augmented reality
A Personal trainer (hologram), will appear through Augmented reality technology in the user's room, office, school etc. and will show him how to perform his daily program of physical exercises that are recommended for his health condition.
The hologram will also give voice instructions and explanations on the nature of the physical exercises and the way these exercises can reduce blood pressure, lower the levels of fats in the blood, keep the heart healthy and help to improve blood sugar levels and prevent excess weight gain. For every exercise, we will include a special section for the Precautions that must
be taken before, during and after exercise.
The workout program will be presented as a challenging, eco-friendly game:
The user of the app will digitally grow the "Tree of Life" by following a 30 days physical exercises program. Every day, after completing a set of exercises proposed by the Augmented reality trainer, the user will add a branch to his digital "Tree of life" symbolizing his daily progress.
The daily program will include 5 physical exercises X 30 days (max 30 min of exercise daily). We will design around 50 exercises in total but some of which will be repeated during this 30days' workout program. The level of difficulty and the complexity will increase day per day. There will be no need of special athletic equipment, since the augmented reality trainer will propose alternative ways to workout using everyday objects eg. chairs, water bottles, soup cans etc.
VIDEOS: Additionally, for every new exercise added, the user will also have the opportunity to see videos of real people- volunteers (children and adults, diabetic patients or people from the general population) performing these specific exercises, aiming to show that we are all together in this, and no one can be excluded from the wonderful world of physical exercise!
After the successful completion of the 30days program, the digital "Tree of Life" will be completed and the user will be able to proceed to part 3 of the application. Of course, the user will be able to repeat the workout program as many times as he/she wishes.
The user will also be able to share his progress to our partnership and for every digital "Tree of Life" that is completed, the partnership will grow a real tree in nature contributing to the "save the Earth" efforts.
The third part of the application will motivate the user start physical activity outdoors. The application will offer maps to the user through geofence technology targeting to Parks that are near his location, where he will be able to perform long walks. The user will be also able to pin a Park he suggests in his area and all the other users will be able to see his suggestion.
The application will count his steps and evaluate his daily performance.
We will develop an E-platform based on Moodle for providing physical education teachers with valuable knowledge related to the needs of their diabetic athletes.
Our E-Platform will include two parts:
A) PROMOTIONAL WEBSITE in 7 language versions: Analytical information concerning our
project's aims and objectives, project's activities and outputs, target groups, the partnership, useful links etc.
B) MOODLE e-PLATFORM with open access to everybody including:
1) 30 e-Modules for physical education teachers and coaches:
- aiming to provide skills to physical education teachers and coaches to be able to handle any emergency medical situation of their diabetic athletes and
- educating how they can provide encouragement and support to their diabetic athletes in order to continue their efforts.
The modules will include among others:
a) Scientific information concerning the health benefits related to specific physical exercises;
b) Strategies to psychologically support youth and adults that suffer from diabetes type I and II in order to encourage them get involved in physical education classes.
c) Studies, opinions, latest findings concerning diabetes and physical activity, interviews with health professionals and success stories of diabetic patients.
PARENTS SECTION: A special section of the E -platform will be devoted to raise awareness concerning the importance of physical exercise for people with diabetes type I and II. Our goal is to convince parents and families of persons suffering from diabetes type I and II that physical activity is health enhancing, therefore they must support their relatives to get involved in physical exercise or sports.
PODCAST series: This is another innovation of our project. We will include a series of 15 podcasts including interesting discussions with experts in the fields of diabetes and physical activity or success stories of diabetic patients.
Design and development of questionnaires in 7 language versions for the Materials Evaluation forms that will be distributed to the participants after the end of pilot application period.
Evidence collected, should be considered as a whole to score the indicator on a five- point scale, where Level 1 is associated with the lowest level of concern and Level 5 with the highest.
Collection of the results gathered from our Digital Intellectual outputs: Mobile App software and E-Platform as well as from the Multiplier and live streaming events.
DART will develop six reports from all participating countries including the results from the pilot application of DART outputs to our target groups.
The reports will contain the evaluation results from the pilot application of our Digital Intellectual products:
a) Mobile app (Workout programs for diabetic patients type I and II)
From the number of the digital "trees of life" that will be completed, we will receive information about how many people have completed the workout program, how many have dropped it and at which stage, the type of diabetes they suffer from, age, gender.
b) E-Platform statistics
-Results from the statistical analysis of the E-platform (number of users that signed in the modules, number of visits etc.)
- Collection of evaluation data gathered from people that will participate to online events.
c) the results from the Materials evaluation form that will be distributed to diabetic athletes, parents and teachers/ coaches after the Multiplier events.
-Analysis of the results gathered according to Indicators mentioned in section Methodology.
Development of 6 Reports (EN language), one for each participating country.
FINAL REPORT and Statistical analysis
The FINAL REPORT will include the analysis of the results received from the Reports of all participating institutions according to the indicators analysed in the Methodology section.
- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: DART will also include Statistical analysis of the results useful for further investigation in the field and RECOMMENTATIONS for the inclusion of disadvantaged groups that are useful for sport policy makers.
FORM: Printed papers
IMPACT/TRANSFERABILITY: The reports developed by the results of our project will be very
useful for the analysis of inclusion strategies for disadvantaged groups and might help sports
policy makers around Europe gather valuable data for their studies.