DART and EC Sport Priorities
DART project considers all three horizontal Key priorities of Collaborative partnerships:
inclusion, digital dimension and eco-friendly approach. DART aims to promote healthyenhancing
physical activities to a disadvantaged group (Diabetic patients type I and II) by developing an innovative digital mobile tool and an e-modules' platform, using an eco-friendly approach.
Target groups: - Children and adults suffering from Diabetes type I and II
- Physical activity teachers and coaches
- Diabetic patients' families and relatives
DART objectives related to SPORT action are:
1) to encourage a healthy lifestyle for all and
2) to promote the participation in sport and
health-enhancing physical activity (2021-2024 EU WORK PLAN FOR SPORT priority)
Specifically, DART project aims to:
a) to promote synergies between sport and health,
b) to promote inclusion in sport,
c) to promote health-enhancing physical activity for people with diabetes type I & II,
d) to encourage healthy lifestyle,
e) to raise awareness of the added value of sport and physical activity to diabetic patients and their families,
f) to educate physical activity teachers and coaches about issues related to physical activity and diabetes,
g) to use digital technology and more precisely innovative mobile augmented reality technology for achieving our goals and giving a digital dimension.
The project will promote transnational and across sector cooperation by the participation of 7
institutions from 6 European countries (ES, EL, IT, PT, HR and RO) experienced to all relevant
to the project fields: sport, education, medicine and technology.
Also, DART will follow an eco-friendly approach during all phases of the project.